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1. For this reason successful politicians are_____to be happier at the age of seventy than any other men of equal age.

A. aptly

B. apt

C. apting

D. apted

2. But the press isn't the only party in this country that's guilty____this rampant insensitivity.


B. with a

C. about

D. towards

3. But often the face is not soft, often it turns____to be imperfectly alive.

A. in

B. out

C. back

D. to

4. All these it three people_____,and for a few seconds stared incredulously at each other.

A. freeze

B. frozen

C. froze

D. freezing

5.Between such peaks of challenge and elation there is____and despair.

A. triangle


C. monotony

D. single

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